Life, Kids, Sun



Has it really been 8 months since I last posted?  Wow, I am very sorry.  This mom of 4 business is keeping me pretty busy and when I do get a minute of quiet, I don’t think about updating the blog.  Facebook has taken over.  It’s easy to add pictures.  But for all you non-Facebook-ers, I must tell you… just get it already! Haha, just kidding. Maybe.

Micah led a team of young people overseas for a month this summer.  They were able to see how our workers there function and get an idea of what life is like in another country. We of course missed him very much when he was gone. But I was able to have some family members come at different times and definitely helped.


We are now getting back into the school routine.  Violet is in 2nd grade and Keira just started pre-k.  And they are really enjoying it so far.  We are so blessed and thankful for the school they attend.


With the girls at school, I get to spend more time with my little boy.  Keith has really been talking a lot lately.  He loves playing with his trucks and doing what daddy does.


Our little Leah just turned one year old about a week ago now.  Looking back at her first year, this time has just flown by. I think I say that with every kid. But it’s so stinkin’ true. This little girl is quite the monkey.  She is not walking yet, but she likes to stand on everything!


This girl is always on the move! She really keeps me on my toes.


Right now she has 6 teeth, and does a pretty good job eating whatever is put in front of her.  She loves her siblings and they do a great job playing with her.  Violet is a great little helper and I’m looking forward to when she can start babysitting!


She is such an easy, happy baby. We are so blessed!


Time for some birthday cake!


Happy birthday Leah!


Little Leah and a song


Our baby girl is four months old! After we returned from Pennsylvania during Christmas break, Leah decided it was time to roll over from her back to her tummy. She loves to use her strong little legs to stand up while someone is holding her. All our babies have been very happy, but Leah seems to be the happiest of them all! She smiles and giggles at her sisters and brother when they talk to her and say her name.  Leah is sleeping all night long from 8 pm to 8 am. She is even content to lay for a minute in the morning before I feed her while I make myself a cup of coffee.  She is drooling all the time and usually has a finger or two or three in her mouth. We couldn’t be happier to have this sweet bundle of joy in our lives.

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Here is a little video of her giggling at mommy before bedtime…

Also the girls sang with Micah at church…

We are blessed



Isn’t she just precious?


Those cute little hands.


And tiny little toes.


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;…”

Leah is one of the many blessings we are thankful for.